Gradients and Lines with Same Gradient

Key points

  • The gradient, also known as the slope, of a line, is a measure of both the direction and steepness of a line.
    • It is calculated by dividing its vertical change by its horizontal change: “rise over run”.
    • You need at least two points on a line to find its slope.
  • Lines with the same slope are either the same line, or lines that are parallel and will never meet.

The Gradient , or slope of a line is a measure of how “steep” a line is, and the direction it is in.

  • The greater the value of the slope, the more “steep” it is.
  • A positive slope means the line goes from the bottom left towards the top right.
  • A negative slope means the line goes from the top left to the bottom right.
  • If the slope is 0, then the line is horizontal. If it is undefined, then the line is vertical.

Calculating the slope of a line is very simple:

  • With at least two points on the line:
    • Find the change of the y coordinates (delta y) by subtracting one of the y values from the other.
    • Find the change of the x coordinates (delta x) by subtracting one of the x values from the other.
      • Make sure that you are subtracting corresponding coordinates from the other.
    • Divide the change in y by the change in x.
  • Commonly remembered as “rise over run”.
  • If there is no change in x, then the line is a vertical line with undefined slope.

Lines with the same slope are:

  • The same line, if they have the same y intercept.
  • Parallel lines, if they have different y-intercepts.
    • They will run alongside each other, but will never get any further or closer each other because they have the same slope.
  • In this example, the line on the left is when the lines have different intercepts, and the right is when they have the same intercept.

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