Inverse Functions

Key points

  • The inverse of a function is the “reverse” of the original.
    • It is graphed as the reflection of the original function over the line y=x
  •  Follow the four steps to find the inverse of a function.

Inverse Functions have the reverse effect of the original. Inputs are put through the reverse of the function to find the outputs.

  • Effectively, this is a reflection of the graph of function over the line y=x.
    • This line is known as the identity function.
  • An inverse function is written as f to the exponent of -1.
  • By this reflection, the corresponding x and y values are ‘swapped’ within the ordered pair.

Taking a function and finding its inverse is done in four steps:

1. Replace f(x) with y.

2. Swap y and x.

3. Simplify for y.

4. Replace y with f^-1(x)


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