Quadratic Formula

What is a Quadratic Equation

A quadratic equation is an equation that has a degree of two. All kinds of functions are based on their degree. Cubic functions have a degree of 3, Quartic functions have a degree of 4, and so on. The equation of a quadratic function follows the patter, ax^{2}+bx+c, where a, b, and c are constants and x is a variable.

The graph of a quadratic function can look one of 3 ways, as shown below…

Graphical Solutions of Quadratic Functions (video lessons, examples,  solutions)

The zeroes of the graph represent the solutions or values of x in the given equation. There are many ways to find these zeroes. In a graph, you can find it by just looking at the graph. However, the chances that a function is given with whole numbers as its zeroes are very unlikely. Another method is factoring, but similarly to graphs, it deals best with whole numbers. The method that works best is the quadratic formula.

\frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}}{2a}

The values of a, b, and c. are constants given by the quadratic equation. When plugging in these numbers, you will find whether there is one, two, or no solutions.

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